Want to learn more about 6 Month Smiles braces? Your top 5 questions answered by Harbour Dental

When you are looking for the perfect treatment to realign your smile as an adult, you may have many questions which reach far beyond the standard price and length of wear.

While these are obviously key questions, there are many other things to consider. Will the brace be fitted or removable? How many times will you need to visit our dental team during treatment? And the million-pound question, will people know you are wearing it?

And these questions are no different when you are looking for a cosmetic brace as opposed to either a clear or invisible one. Cosmetic braces focus solely on the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and are designed to realign the front six teeth in your mouth.

At Harbour Dental, the latter is our area and we are proud to have trained dentists on our team who can treat your smile with 6 Month Smiles in Northern Ireland. Simple to fit and to use, this brace will straighten your front six teeth in record time, allowing you to look great in a shortened time span.

Curious to learn more about 6 Month Smiles in Northern Ireland? Our team’s top 5 FAQs are answered below.

How can this brace straighten my teeth in six months?

When it comes to 6 Month Smiles in Northern Ireland, this brace uses the traditional method mixed with some more modern techniques.

Like traditional aligners, this brace will need to be tightened and adjusted by a member of our team to hit that six-month deadline. However, as it is only applied to the front six teeth, it is easy to achieve that straighter smile in this time.

Are they more comfortable than regular braces?

Unlike regular braces, these ones apply low amounts of force to move to realign your teeth. This makes the overall treatment more comfortable to undertake.

Depending on the severity of the misalignment, you may require more or fewer adjustments to get your smile straight, so it is tough to quantify the discomfort you may or may not feel.

Are the braces made of metal?

Yes and no. The brackets attached to your teeth are made from clear but firm plastic and the wire is made of metal. This allows for a more discreet appearance, so you won’t have unwanted stares from strangers.

I heard they can damage the roots of the teeth- is this true?

With all orthodontics, there is a risk of root damage and with cosmetic braces, the risk is no higher than any other type of brace.

Hence, our team only usually offers this brace to people over the age of 18, whose roots are fully formed.

Am I suitable?

If you have cosmetic issues with your front teeth, such as spacing or minor overcrowding, then you will probably be suitable for treatment with this cosmetic brace.

However, if you have bite issues such as an overbite or issues with severe malocclusions then our team can recommend a more suitable treatment.