Looking for a way to realign your smile quickly? Come to Harbour Dental for Six Month Smiles

When you have crooked teeth as an adult, you may feel that it impinges on your confidence.

You may feel more inclined to avoid photos, smile with your mouth closed or even duck out of social events altogether for fear of judgement. Far from fun!

Indeed, many adults who have misaligned teeth feel that nothing can be done to resolve the issue without wearing a mouth full of metal. Which, when you think about it, is not really going to boost the confidence that is often lost from having misaligned teeth!

Luckily, there is a way to straighten your smile in an accelerated time frame without using large metal braces. In fact, the treatment is so fast, it is in the name!

When you come to Harbour Dental to straighten your smile, our team may be able to offer you Six Month Smiles in Northern Ireland. A clear but fitted brace, this aligner is perfect if your teeth need a bit of straightening up at the front, without attracting unwanted stares from strangers or colleagues. Perfect!

Want to learn more about this impressive brace? Read on to find out more about Six Month Smiles in Northern Ireland.

What it does

As self-explanatory as it may seem, Six Month Smiles in Northern Ireland are designed purely for cosmetic realignments.

Whereas traditional braces can correct issues such as misaligned upper and lower jaws, cosmetic braces are designed solely to help with problems located at the front of your mouth. And so, when our team fits this nifty brace to your mouth, it is only the front of your mouth that will require the treatment.

How it works

So, how does this brace work in such an accelerated time?

Simple; our team at Harbour Dental will target the treatment to realign the teeth at the front of your mouth. As this brace is fitted, we can adjust certain parts to provide a focused approach, which saves time and effort.

Depending on the severity of your misalignment, you may need to visit our team up to once a month for this brace to be tightened.


Of course, there are many additional benefits to having this brace fitted.

The first is the aesthetic value; the brackets used to attach the wire to your teeth are clear, and so, it is minimal in appearance.

Secondly, due to its design, it is not going to be uncomfortable to wear; granted, you will need to adjust to it initially but once you have worn it for a few days, it should be unnoticeable. And of course, when you need to have it adjusted, there will be minimal to no discomfort at all, as it applies minimal pressure to the teeth as they move.

Thirdly, it is more affordable for many of the patients we treat at Harbour Dental; as you will only need a few adjustments and due to the length of time you will be wearing it for, it is more affordable than other adult aligners.