A different option for braces Northern Ireland

If you have been considering braces Northern Ireland but do not know what device is the best suited for your needs or are perhaps hesitant because you cannot find a solution that you are excited about, then perhaps 6 Month Smiles is an option for you.

This treatment works like traditional braces Northern Ireland but also embraces the convenience that removable devices can offer as well. The result is a fixed device that takes half the time of regular options and reduces the need for frequent dental appointments during your teeth straightening journey. By understanding how it works, you can begin to make an informed decision as to whether 6 Month Smiles is the right style of braces Northern Ireland for you.

How does this treatment work?

It is essentially a fixed device, consisting of brackets that are attached to teeth and wires that connect the brackets. But with 6 Month Smiles, the wires have a kind of memory that means when they are attached to your teeth, they gradually move back to their original, correct position, straightening your teeth along the way.

This consistent movement is seen to be more comfortable and because of the reduced amount of time needed wearing the device, you can enjoy your healthier and more attractive smile even sooner.

Because the device generally works on its own accord, there is less need for you to frequently visit your local dentist for adjustments, unlike traditional devices. This gives you more control over your teeth straightening experience and enables you to carry on with your day to day activities more freely, making it another huge advantage for working adults who struggle to find time in their day for such tasks.

Who is it for?

This option can be a little more expensive than other devices available and might not be suitable for every case, so it is important that you discuss your expectations and wishes regarding your teeth straightening journey with your dentist so that they are aware of what you would like.

Often, adults choose this option but teenagers are welcome to as well. In some cases, 6 Month Smiles are worn on the upper arch and a more traditional device is worn on the bottom, depending on the severity and the misalignment of each individual case.

If you would like to learn more about this treatment, then we suggest that you come in for a consultation so that our dentists can take a look at your smile and offer you a range of options that would be suitable for you to use in order to straighten your teeth.

This enables you to make an informed decision as to what you feel is the best path forward. We include factors such as time, price, results and convenience as well as any other considerations that you believe to be important so that you can feel in control of your teeth straightening experience in order to make the most out of your time with us.

It is important to love your smile so that you share it more with those around you. We look forward to helping you to achieve your smile goals as quickly as possible.